Friday, November 18, 2016

Production Check

Yay! We finally started filming and definitely accomplished all that we wanted to at this point. We filmed two separate scenes with Ariel Brown, who is our actress for the role of June.
The first scene we completed was the scene with June in the car after her discussion with her mom.

It was a little chilly on the day that we filmed, but I am really happy with the results. The fall colors of the exterior provide nice contrast for the cooler colors inside the car. We ultimately decided not to use my car, as I had suggested in my previous post, but Ariel's because she was more comfortable driving her own car which is completely understandable. The lighting also turned out to be spectacular, allowing for nice shadows, as seen in both images, but sufficient lighting that they did not turn out too dark. I am pleased with the way that this scene turned out, both in terms of cinematography and productiveness. The filming process went smoothly and Ariel was an excellent and willing actress. I also feel as though I work well with Shay and Pranava which is so nice to be able to take on this project with them.

We were able to get a lot of different angles despite the slight chill. I am slightly worried about continuity issues as the sun was beginning to set, but we will work that out once we reach post-production.  Additionally, we were able to film the dinner scene between June and her mother, Nora. I am super happy and impressed with our level of productivity as were able to complete both of the scenes in a timely manner. My mom stepped in to play Nora because originally, I was planning to but I felt her age would give the film more of a sense of authenticity.

Pictured above is the dinner scene. Additionally, this scene has an interesting feel because of the warm tones of the room but the tension of the dialogue. Overall, I am pleased with our progress and look forward to wrapping up production within the next two weeks. We only have two more major scenes to film, the bowling alley scene and the classroom scene. We are looking at doing the classroom scene during or after school on the first week of December. The bowling alley scene is scheduled for November 26th but we are still waiting on confirmation for availability from the actor playing Jonah. Looking forward to how the rest goes!

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