Sunday, November 6, 2016

Production Check

We are finally beginning production which is exciting as we have emerged from the planning period. We have officially scouted for locations. In the next two weeks, we plan on filming the scene in June's home and in June's car. If time allows, we may also try to fit in the scene in the classroom at school. However, due to the holidays, there are definitely some time constraints. 

This is the car that we will be using, my car. It is a Volvo named Agnes. Because my dad officially owns the car, I got him to sign a location release for it (located in my sketchbook). We will be shooting from multiple angles, the primary one being the passenger seat. I will probably clear some of the mess out but I like the aesthetic of clutter because I think it makes the car feel less like a set and more like a real, liveable setting.
This location will be used for the following portion of the script.

For the scene with June and her mother Nora, we will be using my kitchen. I also got my dad to sign a location release for the house.

The dining table will be used for the brief conversation between Nora and June and then the kitchen/countertop area will be used for their conversation over the clean-up.

We are planning on filming the house scene and the car scene, if possible, on Saturday, November 12. The classroom scene will be filmed on either Wednesday, November 16, or on Friday, November 18th. It might be ambitious to organize everyone for both of those days but hopefully at least one of them is successful.
I have a red sweater that I want June to wear and a grey shirt that will work well for Nora.
 One of the positive aspects of collaborating with other students in the class is the help with all of the work and the decisions that go into the process of making a film. However, it is extremely hard to coordinate, especially for production timing with so many crew members. Additionally, it seems that our original choice for June, Emily Joyce, has a conflict for the next two weeks as she has a theater production. This is extremely unfortunate so we are scrambling to find an alternative as postponing for the next two weeks would set us back quite a bit. As most of our scenes include June, we are trying to find someone else. Our major prospect right now is Ariel Brown who we feel would do an excellent job with role. We are just trying to run all the dates by her. Once we have her confirmed, I will give her a talent release. I am upset about this setback but that is just one negative aspect about working with high school students: their busy schedules. Hopefully everything will work out and we will have completed at least one scene by the next checkpoint. I feel as though, despite setbacks, this film has taken greater form during these past two weeks and I am excited for what is to come.

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