Sunday, October 16, 2016


Genre Selection
One of the genre presentations that I found intriguing was the one on War Epics by Pranava. Conventions of a war epic include sweeping musical scores, extravagant costumes, and high production value. War Epics explore the reality of war on a grand scale while focusing on landmark battles and political issues within war. They usually focus in on a protagonist and his fellow soldiers. Notable films include Schindler's List (1993), Apocalypse Now (1979), Full Metal Jacket (1987), Spartacus (1960), The Fall of the Roman Empire (1964), Troy (2004), and Saving Private Ryan (1998). In her presentation, Pranave showed the opening of Saving Private Ryan which I felt gave a good preview and example of the genre. I felt like it was really powerful even though I am not partial to violence. I liked the realistic feel that the film had which was aided by the shakiness of the camera.
Saving private ryan
I think that the draw of war epics, for me is the realism tied into it. This reaction demonstrates my own desire to better understand others' experiences. I want to be able to empathize with experiences I haven't had and hopefully never will. While I admire the work that Steven Spielberg has done, I recognize that a war epic is not a practical or plausible genre to film in a short film on a nonexistent budget.
Another genre that peaked my interest was the category of heist films. Heist films include a diverse group of individuals who are called upon to do the job, often impossible and unthinkable. Each group has a leader, the brains of the operation. Additionally the group has specialists including a safe cracker, an explosives expert, a driver, a computer guy and a heavy lifter. Finally there is usually a double crosser who betrays the heist. Another convention is the three-action plot including planning, the heist and the unraveling. Notable films include Ocean's Eleven and The Italian Job. I am really interested in this genre and would be interested in filming a short. Logistically, it might be difficult but it would be more plausible than a war epic. I am drawn to the genre because of the sense of camaraderie and the adrenaline commonly associated with the films which demonstrates my own desire for action. I admire the work done in Ocean's Eleven by Steven Soderbergh.
Finally, I am also interested in the genre of my own presentation which was road films. I really enjoyed learning about the adaptability of the genre to the times. Conventions of the genre include Route 66, movement from East to West, a heroic, male protagonist, notable form of transportation, car trouble, meaningful conversation, and fleeing from the law. Notable films include the Wizard of Oz (1939), The Grapes of Wrath (1940), My Own Private Idaho (1991), and Little Miss Sunshine (2001). Road films often include good characterization which is an element that I love and interesting and profound dialogue which I am also intrigued by. Road films provoke my own desire to write good characters like those in Little Miss Sunshine which is directed by both Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris.  I would like to emulate these directors realistic feel to their movie. For a short, I would be most interested in doing a road film. 

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